Prepare Your Paper
The guideline here is based on Author guidelines for conference proceedings by IOP Conference Series. You need to prepare your paper based on this guidelines. Please understand that the committee will decide the publication partner for your paper based on this paper. If the committee decided to publish your paper to another journal (Media Konservasi, JPSL, JMHT, or Biotropia), you need to re-arrange your paper according to the guidelines prepared by each journal.
Preparing your proceedings paper
IOP Conference Series uses author-supplied PDFs for all online and print publication. Authors must prepare their papers using Microsoft Word or LaTeX, according to the guidelines and templates, and then convert these files to PDF.
By submitting a paper an author and all co-authors are assumed to agree with the terms of the IOP Proceedings Licence.
Paper format
- The paper size is European A4.
- Margins are 4cm (top), 2.5cm (left and right) and 2.7cm (bottom).
- There are no page numbers, headers or footers within the paper.
- Text is single spaced, not double spaced.
- All fonts are embedded.
- All pages are portrait (landscape pages should be rotated).
- The abstract text should be indented 25mm from the left margin and there should be 10mm space after the abstract before you begin the main text of your article, starting on the same page as the abstract.
Paper content
- The paper includes the author name(s) and affiliation(s) (full address including country).
- All articles must contain an abstract.
- Papers must use inclusive language. At IOPP we follow these industry-wide Guidelines on Inclusive Language and Images in Scholarly Communication.
- All figures and tables should be numbered in numerical order. Please ensure that figure/table numbers are not duplicated or missed.
- Figures are legible and placed within the text, not collected at the end of the document.
- If section headings are numbered, ensure that they are numbered numerically, and no numbers are duplicated or missing.
- Displayed equations should follow a naming convention in numerical order, i.e. (1), (2), (3) etc or by section, i.e. (1.1), (1.2) etc. Ensure every displayed equation has its own number and none are duplicated or missing.
- Reference lists are checked for accuracy. References can only be linked via CrossRef if they are correct and complete. Check the templates and guidance page for further reference styling information.
- If numbering references (Harvard system) ensure that references are numbered numerically, every reference has its own number and no numbers are duplicated or missing.
- Ensure that all references are cited in the text and that all citations have a corresponding reference.
- Finally, please ensure that the paper is thoroughly proofread to check the standard of English and ensure wording is clear and concise.
Conversion to PDF
- The PDF file is editable and not password protected.
- The PDF is free of formatting errors (e.g. corrupt equations, missing or poor-resolution figures), since conversion from Word to PDF can introduce formatting errors.
- There are no blank pages.
Templates and guidelines for proceedings papers
These are our templates and guidelines for proceedings papers, they are there to to help you prepare your work.
Essential guidelines
Please follow these essential guidelines when preparing your paper:
Authors must prepare their papers using our Microsoft Word or LaTeX2e templates, and then convert these to PDF format for submission:
How to cite an IOP Conference Series paper
The following information is intended to provide an overview of how to cite articles published in the IOP Conference Series titles. Please note that the full publication record for all IOP journals and proceedings can be found in IOPscience.
- All proceedings in IOP Conference Series are published as a single volume of the relevant title. Typically, each volume has just a single issue but very large volumes may be split into two or more issues for ease of reading and navigation.
- Papers published in IOP Conference Series titles use an article numbering system that means that papers should be cited by using the six-digit article number in place of a page number (see examples below).
- Every article has its own unique identifier called a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
- Articles can be linked via the Crossref system.
- The pages in the PDF file of each article are numbered from 1. These page numbers should not normally be included in a reference. However, if it is desirable to indicate the length of an article, this can be done by including the number of pages, in parentheses, after the article number.
Examples of citations to conference proceedings
References to conference papers should include:
- Author(s)
- Year of publication
- Title of conference (in italics, initial letter of each significant word should be capital)
- Mahanta N K and Abramson A R 2012 Thermal conductivity of graphene and graphene oxide nanoplatelets 13th Intersociety Conf. on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems
Examples of citations to conference series
- Barry R Holstein 2009 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 173 012019
- V V Kramarenko et al 2016 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 43 012029
- S Adarsh et al 2016 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 149 012141
How to Submit Your Paper
You need to submit your paper through Morressier platform by IOP by this link:
or by this link:
Please note that you might need to create an account at first. Unless if you have used Morressier platform previously.
To submit your paper for the conference, please follow the instructions below carefully.
- Access the Submission Portal:
- Visit the official Morressier submission page for the conference:
- Bookmark this link for future reference.
- Account Creation:
- If you haven’t used Morressier before, click “Login” at the top right corner of the page. Then click “Create an account”.
- Register by providing email address. Verify your account via the confirmation email. Click the button in the email you received.
- Continue the registration by providing your name and password.
- If you already have an account, log in with your credentials.
- You may also sign up by using ORCID or Google account.
- Review Submission Guidelines:
- On the conference’s Morressier page, carefully review the submission guidelines provided, including paper formatting requirements, deadlines, and file types.
- Prepare Your Paper:
- Ensure your paper complies with the IOP formatting standards, including page layout, font, structure, and file format (typically PDF).
- Check that the file size meets the platform’s upload limitations.
- Submit Your Paper:
- Complete the submission form by filling in all required fields, such as:
- Submission Title
- Author Information (full names, affiliations, and email addresses)
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Upload your paper and any supplementary materials as required.
- Complete the submission form by filling in all required fields, such as:
- Technical Tips for Uploading:
- Use only the allowed file formats (e.g., PDF).
- Rename your file to match any naming conventions specified by the organizers.
- Address any errors flagged by the system during the upload process.
- Review and Confirm:
- Double-check all entered details and uploaded files for accuracy and completeness.
- Ensure there are no typographical errors or formatting issues.
- Submit and Track:
- Click “Preview and submit” to finalize your submission. You should receive a confirmation email immediately—save this for your records.
- Use the Morressier dashboard to monitor the status of your submission and respond promptly to any feedback or revision requests.
- Post-Submission Assistance:
- For technical support or queries, use the Help section on the Morressier platform or contact the conference organizers.
Important Notes:
- Submissions will only be considered if they are completed before the stated deadline.
- Ensure all co-authors have reviewed and approved the paper before submission.