event schedule



Speakers / performers

Zoom link

Registration & opening

Welcoming performance

Sanggar Tari Annisa Rumpaka


(for entire plenary sessions)

Opening by MC


National anthem

Conference report by ICEFC 2024 Chair

Dr. Syafitri Hidayati, S.Hut, M.Sc

Welcoming Speech by Rector of IPB University, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, SP, M.Si

Welcoming Speech by MSU System President

Prof. Atty. Basari D. Mapupuno

Welcoming Speech by SEAMEO BIOTROP

Ir. Sri Widayanti M.Si

Welcoming Speech by Vice Rector of Kastamonu University (Video tapping)

Prof.Dr. Ömer KÜÇÜK

Welcoming Speech by Ministry of Science and Technology - BARMM

Engr. Aida M. Silongan, MAPDS

Keynote Speech by Minister of Forestry

Represented by Dr. Satyawan Pudyatmoko, S.Hut., M.Sc (Directorate General of Nature Resources and Ecosystem Conservation)

Opening by MoF and consortium representative (Photo session)

Represented by Dr. Satyawan Pudyatmoko, S.Hut., M.Sc (Directorate General of Nature Resources and Ecosystem Conservation)

Launching of 5th ICEFC (Video)

Press conference and High-level meeting

Introducing Moderator by MC


Introducing the theme of discussion

Moderator: Dr. Ir. Arzyana Sungkar, M.Sc

Introducing the speaker

Moderator: Dr. Ir. Arzyana Sungkar, M.Sc

Invited Speaker: IPB University

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ani Mardiastuti, M.Sc

PT Freeport: Best Practice on sustainable Planet, People, and Profit

Panel Discussion

Networking lunch & Prayer

Mobilization to Faculty of Forestry and Environment IPB

Parallel session day 1

Zoom link for each parallel session room:

1. RSS https://ipb.link/r-rss-icefc2024
2. Ruang Tanoto https://ipb.link/rtanotoicefc2024
3. Ruang Ulin https://ipb.link/r-ulin-icefc2024
4. Ruang Class Room https://ipb.link/r-classroom-icefc2024
5. Ruang Komodo https://ipb.link/r-komodo-icefc2024

Please refer to the program book for complete details on the parallel session




Zoom Link

Registration day 2

Opening by MC, national anthem


(for entire plenary sessions)

Presenting by Moderator

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Ir. Mirza D. Kusrini, M.Si

Invited Speaker : SEAMEO BIOTROP

Asst Prof. Dr. Kobsak Wanthongchai

Invited Speaker: Mindanao State University

Prof. Rey Y. Capangpangan, Ph.D

Panel Discussion

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Ir. Mirza D. Kusrini, M.Si

Traditional Dance from West Java

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Ir. Mirza D. Kusrini, M.Si

Invited Speaker: Kastamonu University

Osman Sabri Kesbric, Ph.D

Invited Speaker: University of Eastern Philippines

Dr. Tito M. Cabili

Panel Discussion

Moderator: Prof. Renato Pacaldo

Networking lunch and prayer time

Parallel session day 2

Zoom link for each parallel session room:

1. RSS https://ipb.link/r-rss-icefc2024
2. Ruang Tanoto https://ipb.link/rtanotoicefc2024
3. Ruang Ulin https://ipb.link/r-ulin-icefc2024
4. Ruang Class Room https://ipb.link/r-classroom-icefc2024
5. Ruang Komodo https://ipb.link/r-komodo-icefc2024

Please refer to the program book for complete details on the parallel session




Bogor city tour (Kebun Raya Bogor)

Networking lunch

Eco-edutourism BIOTROP